Garden Design

Garden design should be one of your first considerations in planning a garden since it lends style and cohesion to a collection of plants. Find out what goes into designing a garden with these articles.

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Square Foot Gardening is great for people who want to grow their own veggies and who also like very specific instructions.

By Jesslyn Shields

If you're looking for an easy, organic way to improve your soil and create a permanent, thriving garden bed, hügelkultur will check all the boxes for you.

By Kate Morgan

Removing the spent blooms from your flowering plants will keep your garden looking its best and help your plants stay focused on reblooming.

By Laurie L. Dove


One of the oldest and most widely used materials in the world, baked clay or terracotta, can be found on roofs, in museums and in gardens all over the world.

By Carrie Whitney, Ph.D.

If you don't already have a trellis working for you in your garden, you probably need one.

By Alia Hoyt

Don’t have much space? That doesn’t mean you have to go without a garden.

By Blythe Copeland

As is usually the case, time is in short supply and has been slipping away from you fast. You had great intentions of preparing your summer garden months ago, but life got in the way. Is it too late?

By Emilie Sennebogen


Flowers are gorgeous to look at, but they've also got a lot to say. There's a secret flower language we'll clue you in on -- and you might be surprised by the message your favorite bloom is sending!

By Echo Surina

If you're sneezing and scratching your eyes, it's probably because it's allergy season. Which plants are the worst hay fever offenders?

By Debra Ronca

Why do some people love flowers so much? It could be their delicate beauty or bright colors, but more than a few will cite the way they smell. There's a reason why Shakespeare felt compelled to contemplate the sweet scent of the rose, after all. Here are 10 of the most fragrant flowers around.

By Marie Willsey

You need to prune grape vines, but you’re not sure how to do it. Learn about how to prune grape vines in this article.

By Contributors


You'd like to make a scarecrow to keep birds away from your garden, but you're not sure how to do it. Read this article to learn how to make a scarecrow.

By Contributors

Don't let your garden get the best of you; control weeds and ward off pests with one of your most common household items, aluminum foil.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer

We can't all install an Olympic-sized swimming pool in our backyards, but that doesn't mean water features are totally out of the question. How can you use a waterfall, rock pond or birdbath to help enhance your outdoor space?

By Jessica Willis & Melanie Radzicki McManus

Landscaping on a budget can be a daunting prospect. But with a good plan and a little ingenuity, you can create a stunningly landscaped yard that will make the pros drool.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Plants have pretty basic needs. They crave water, healthy soil and rays of sunshine. But if you can't provide your flora with lots of direct sun, you can still grow these low-light plants in your shady garden.

By Echo Surina

Once you know a few simple tricks, an indoor garden is easy to care for. Don't smirk; it's true. And the rewards you reap from your indoor garden will offset any work you have to put into it.

By Sara Elliott

Start with a sunny windowsill and a few herb seeds and -- snip-snip, you have an instant gourmet meal. Well, it may not be quite that simple, but fresh herbs are still a great asset to have in the kitchen.

By Sara Elliott

You've worked hard to turn that brown thumb green, and you're finally seeing the fruits of your labor. But that weeklong vacation looms on the horizon, and you know that it could all go down the tubes if you don't have a plan in place.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Spring is a time of regeneration and renewal. Colorful evidence of this exciting time can be found in your garden. The bulbs you planted in cooler weather are bursting out of the soil. These 10 will infuse your plot with color, dimension and fragrance.

By Echo Surina

Flowers are a matter of pride for gardeners, a means of expression for lovers and they play a role in some of our most joyous and somber societal rituals. But not all flowers are bright colors and perfumed scents. Some are quite unusual.

By Heather Kolich

Anyone who complains about having a brown thumb may simply be choosing the wrong plants to grow. Some plants are exceedingly sensitive and temperamental. But there are some plants that even the worst gardener would have a hard time getting rid of.

By Kathy Price-Robinson

Most cacti enjoy dry, hot environments, while orchids thrive in humid, tropical locales. Every plant has its ideal growing conditions, but sometimes Mother Nature does not cooperate. That's where man and greenhouses enter the picture.

By Jessica Brown


Greening your garden is not just about having the lushest lawn or the most vibrant rosebushes in the neighborhood. It's about having a garden you can enjoy that's also sustainable. But what's the big deal about going green anyway?

By Bambi Turner

Creating a backyard wildlife habitat is a rewarding project for nature lovers. However, they might be surprised to find that making a home for neighborhood critters is as easy as it is worthwhile.

By Jessika Toothman